Monday, March 16, 2009


Hello Everyone,
Sorry I have been missing in action for the past two weeks or so. I was briefly incapacitated by a cold; one that I got from nursing my girlfriend back to health from her cold.

On another note, I am pleased to see N. Vivian back in action after a short absence. Hopefully, we'll be able to continue our semi-regular postings, as I know you all yearn for more insights from these two Reading Enthusiasts.




Flutey77 said...

Your armchair pic is a thing of's a reflection of my ultimate happy place looking back at me :)

Steve said...

I'm glad you like it, Flutey. Thanks for visiting my blog.

There used to be this armchair at my local library that was unbelieveably comfortable. It was an old antique, too; I think they stopped making them in the 1930's. I'm hoping to find one of them someday, or at least something similar.